We aree always looking for fresh blood to add to the mix! We throw kick ass events and we do so because we cultivate a strong community of teamwork and friendship! We have each others backs, we work hard and we have fun!

The NJPRFM Crew is the lifeline of our events. They’re one of the most respected event teams in the country and there’s a reason for that… most of us have doing this damn thing together for 10 years but as our events grow we need our crew to grow as well! All of our events are always all hands on deck situations so dive in and let’s get started!

All volunteers must be a minimum of 18 years of age and you must be willing to put in the time! Duties potentially consist of flipping tables, running trash, hob knobbing with celebrities, assisting with vendors, scoring free swag and tshirts, hanging out with the NJPRFM and the knowledge that you’re working with one of the most respected festivals in the State of NJ!

Wanna join the team? Of course you do! Please fill out the form below.